Saturday 26 March 2016

Turon or Banana Lumpia

Turon Saba (Banana Lumpia)

This Turon Saba recipe is a typical Filipino merienda or snack.  

Turon resembles as a banana spring rolls which consist of plantain and jack fruit that is wrapped in a lumpia wrapper then dipped in brown sugar and fried.

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 dozen ripe saba (banana plantain)
  • 1 cup chopped langka (jackfruit)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • lumpia (spring roll) wrappers
  • oil, enough for deep frying

Cooking Procedures :

  1. Cut banana in half, and cut each half into 3 pieces. Roll slightly each banana piece in sugar.
  2. Place the sugar coated bananas on top of each lumpia wrapper (this will depend to your liking on how many pieces of banana slices for each wrapper), spread with chopped langka (jackfruit), carefully wrap and roll into shape of egg roll. Seal the ends with water or egg white.
  3. Fry in deep medium-high oil. (You will need a long tong at this part as it is very hot w/ oil) 
  4. Sprinkle 1/8 teaspoon of sugar over your turon before putting it on the boiling oil. This will caramelize and stick to your turon. Flip your turon to coat evenly with caramelized sugar.
  5. Fry until golden brown and crisp.
  6. Remove from pan and set over wax paper for a couple of minutes and then served.
  7. Enjoy with Ice cream of your flavor taste!
    Sesame seeds (if desired) maybe sprinkled while turon is still hot and the sugar has not set. Maybe served with ice cream for dessert or just as is for snack!

    Wednesday 23 March 2016

    Mongo Buchi

     Mongo Buchi

    Ingredients :
    • 1 cup rice, uncooked (or 1 1/2cup rice flour)
    • 1/2 cup Mongo Beans
    • 1/3 cup sugar + 2 T Sugar
    • 1/8 cup water
    • some oil, for deep frying
    Cooking Procedures :
    1. Soak rice overnight in water, then grind.  Wrap in cheesecloth and hang to drip. (Dilute the flour with water just enough to wet the flour as manageable dough)
    2. Boil and cook  mongo beans and then mash. Set aside.
    3. Dissolve 1/3 cup sugar in 1/8 cup water, then add mixture to mashed mongo.  Cook over medium heat until dry.  Allow to cool, then shape into small balls.  Set aside.
    4. Dissolve 2 tbsp. sugar in 2 tbsp. water.  Add to dry ground rice.  Mash and form into small balls.
    5. Flatten each ball of rice dough, and spread out thinly.  
    6. Place ball of mongo on top of rice dough, then carefully wrap to form into a shape of ball.
    7. Fry in deep medium-high oil until golden brown.  Serve and enjoy!
    more recipe here: '-)