Sunday 29 May 2016

Pandan Sponge Cake

Pandan Sponge Cake 


  • 4 eggs 
  • 90g caster sugar 
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100g plain flour, sifted
  • 75g melted butter 
  • 25g homemade pandan extract*
  • 1/2 tsp pandan flavor (mix together).


1. Mix the first 3 ingredients and whisk  at high speed till 
    stiff (the eggs would be tripled in volume).  
2. Fold in plain flour in 3 additions consecutively and 
    follow with the melted butter while mixing.   
3. Fold the batter well and pour into a greased and lined 8" 
    round pan.   
4. Bake in preheated oven of 160C for about 40-45 
5. Cool the cake and slice into 3 layers. Set aside.

For the Kaya filling:

  • 250g pandan water*** 
  • 250g water 
  • 50g butter  
  • 150g caster sugar

  • 250g coconut milk  

  • 150g water 

  • 80g hoen kwe flour** 

  • 2 tsp instant jelly, optional (if you want the filling to set quickly, boil it at step 1) 

  • 1/2 tsp pandan extract 

  • 2 to 3 drops of green and yellow food colouring, optional

*** To make the pandan water : After washing the pandan leaves (used 10+ leaves), Cut into small pieces and blend the leaves. and squeeze out the juice and discard the leaves.  Leave the pandan juice in the fridge for a few days, use the concentrate pandan juice extract at the bottom for making cakes, the top pandan water use for the filling.

** This flour is made from mung beans (kacang hijau) and is used in most of Malaysian's cuisine such as Kuih Seri Muka and Pandan Layered Cake. It is sold in 85g packets and can be found in various colour such as green, red, white and yellow.

How To Prepared The Kaya Filling Mixture:

1. Combine 250g of pandan water, 250g water, butter, 
      sugar in a pot and bring to boil. 
2. Mix coconut milk, 150g water, hoen kwe flour, pandan 
     extract and the food colouring together.  
3. Pour this mixture to no.1 procedure, stir and cook till 
     mixture is thicken. 
4. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool slightly 
     before pouring onto sponge cake.

How To Assemble The Cake:

1. Place the first slice of cake into a cake ring or cake pan 
    with removable base and pour 1/3 of the kaya filling 
    onto the cake. Repeat layering of cake and kaya filling, 
    finish with pouring the filling. 
2. Cool the cake first before placing in the fridge to set. 
3. Remove cake from cake ring or cake pan and coat the 
    sides with desiccated coconut. 
4. Service the cake when is chilled.

Recipe adopted from Pandan Sponge Cake 

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